Computer science: Obama prepares for the future

February 4, 2016 11:00 am
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The proposed 2017 US budget includes a three-year, $4B “Computer Science for All” initiative. President Obama wants to ensure that everyone, especially girls and minorities, have the chance to learn. Michelle Meyers explores this initiative in her article.

The new initiative attempts to resolve the demographic disparity that exists in computer science classrooms, while also promoting the necessity of coding skills for entrance into the future job market. He states that 9 of 10 parents want computer science taught in school. However, currently only a third of K-12 schools offer any type of computer science classes and, in many states, these classes do not even count towards a diploma. Of the schools that do offer these classes, less than 22% of the students were female and 13% were African-American or Latino. The goal of this initiative is to provide schools with the necessary tools they need to offer classes to all students, with a primary focus on teacher training, equipment, and classroom materials.

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This post was written by Melissa Yu